The demo was recorded on 7 March 2020 in my living room with a Zoom H4N Pro handy recorder. I recorded the bass direct, the cajon (using the built-in microphone), and then I added the audio into Studio One (the DAW I was using at the time) and added a pad.
I re-recorded it as a solo bass part on 14 April 2022 with my new Ibanez SRMS805 multi-scale 5-string. By this point, I had also upgraded my other gear substantially: I played via a SansAmp DI box into a Mackie VLZ4 mixer and then into a PreSonus AudioBox96. I added some compression, reverb, and light EQ, and for the interlude I added in Arturia's Tape MELLO-FI plugin.
Full quality download of the solo bass version available at the Internet Archive.
venya (October 2023)
Music licensed CC BY-SA 4.0. Go nuts.