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Close-up of an EHX Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi effects pedal
Close-up of an EHX Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi effects pedal

Only Steal From The Best

M3U Playlist

Only Steal From The Best (2022)

Originally posted on Soundcloud, 27 September 2022:

I have acquired some bass pedals. Neither are what you would normally use in a 12-bar blues progression, but here we are. See if you can recognize any of my favorite bass players by the riffs I steal.

The first half or so is just using the Dunlop Cry Baby 105Q, the bass-specific wah pedal. I try a few different styles of usage here, but I'm still very much learning to coordinate foot movements with playing so results are uneven. Still, you can get a sense of what it does and can do.

The second half I activate the Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi by Electro-Harmonix. The first part is 'normal' using the settings in the photo; for the last part, I enabled the crossover.

MIDI drums from MT PowerDrumKit 2. DAW by Reaper, which I am still very much learning."

venya (October 2023)

Music licensed CC BY-SA 4.0. Go nuts.
