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A Behringer Model D analog synth and an Arturia KeyStep sequencer keyboard
A Behringer Model D analog synth and an Arturia KeyStep sequencer keyboard

Some Minor Model D

M3U Playlist

Some Minor Model D (2020)

I've consolidated a few of the tracks that were just me playing with a Behringer Model D monosynth, which was my first hardware synth purchase, right after lockdowns in early 2020. I enjoyed it quite a bit, though I've come to be very wary of Behringer products both for their quality reputation and the fact that the company is really kind of asshole-ish.

Originally posted in SoundCloud:

Some Minor Model D (19 July 2020)

Recorded using the Blue Snowball so you can here some of the key noise. Just messing around with the LFO and filters on the Behringer Model D mono synth, which I still adore. Added a little phase and reverb effect in Audacity.

Arpeggiated in E (13 April 2020):

This is all just the Behringer Model D played straight into the Zoom H4NPro, recorded live, which is to say the arpeggiator in the KeyStep did all of the work and I just hit a note every once in a while and twisted some knobs. I imported it into Studio One and ran the mono-to-stereo set of effects and called it good.

Triplet Play (5 April 2020):

Found this one from 6 April, when I was still just goofing around with the Behringer Model D analog monosynth, which I'd purchased in mid-March just before the lockdown. I think this was recorded DI through the Zoom H4NPro into Audacity. I adore the warm sounds this thing makes. The sound is (to me) very reminiscent of the music from Portal 2. It is not exactly the most interesting of chord progressions. But you can get a pretty good idea of some of the variety of the sounds you can get out of it. (There are many more sounds you can get which are not nearly so musical.)

Full quality downloads available for free at the Internet Archive.

venya (October 2023)

Music licensed CC BY-SA 4.0. Go nuts.
